Book chapter(print)2013

The post-Lisbon Treaty Commissioners (2010-2014): experts or politicians?

In: The European Commission in the Post-Lisbon era of crises: between political leadership and policy management, p. 25-52


"Eviola Prifti takes up the issue of the Commission as a political Leader versus technocratic manager with a sociological analysis of the institution. Her study of the Commission's internal organisation rejects the intergovernmentalist-versus-neofunctionalist debate and applies a 'microscopic' level of analysis that targets individual Commissioners. She argues that while the Commission possesses substantial technical capital (consistent with those arguing for a more managerial function), this was not augmented as a result of the Lisbon Treaty. On the other hand, the Treaty does strengthen its political capital, implying a latent potential for the Commission to exercise a stronger political role in the future." (contract)

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