
Interesse und Motivation als Voraussetzung für Wissensaufbau: Befragung von Schülerinnen und Schülern zum WebQuest und zur EU und Europa

In: Was Schweizer Jugendliche von der EU wissen: die schweizerische TEESAEC-Studie, S. 55-74


"Within the framework of the Socrates Comenius project, 'Teacher Empowerment to Educate Students to Become Active European Citizens' (TEESAEC), Webquest-based instructional material about the EU was developed by a research group of the School for Teacher Education at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) and the University of Teacher Education Central Switzerland. In addition to evaluating the effectiveness of the teaching module, a supplementary survey was carried out. With the additional survey, statements and ratings of the teachers and their pupils on the content of the teaching module as well as the Webquest itself were recorded. This paper first presents the theoretical background of this survey and hereafter illustrates and discusses selected results." (publisher's description)

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