
Cele i sposoby realizacji polityki społecznej w dobie postępu technologicznego

In: Studia z polityki publicznej: Public policy studies, Volume 8, Issue 4, p. 55-73

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This article provides a scientific reflection on the need for considering the issue of new technologies and their development in contemporary social policy in Poland. The article focuses on three selected areas of social policy, which are most intensively influenced by the development of new technologies: labor market policies, education policies, and telecare, including some elements of senior policies. The publication initiates further discussion on the current challenges and dilemmas faced by social policymakers. It corresponds to the specific experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic related to intensified, technologically mediated forms of communication and remote forms of using social services. It argues that rapid development of new technologies changes the goals and ways of putting social policies into practice. Drawing on theoretical assumptions of technological determinism and new institutionalism, the article aims to conclude that adequate institutional and legislative changes should be the consequence of technological changes and they should lead to greater compatibility of systemic solutions with citizens' everyday practice.

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